100 Days, 100 Renders— Day 62



More adventures in bokeh today. All post-processed (who has the time to produce 3D-rendered depth of field on the daily? Though I am curious about how it might turn out for backgrounds and not just fun effects on small objects). In this case, I rendered each object seperately, and then applied different amounts of blur to each layer in Photoshop. It’s pretty effective, though probably not physically accurate, considering I eyeballed how out-of-focus each object should be.

I originally thought of setting the Daleks into my model-exhibiting cove, since the background would be out-of-focus anyway, but then I realized the Babylon 5 docking bay would be much more visually interesting, and barely recognizable as being from the wrong show considering the angle and the degree of blur on it. That was the right choice.

Edited 2016-10-09: I realized after posting this that I forgot to take anamorphic distortion into account when I blurred this image. I’ve replaced the top of the page with a corrected version. Here’s the first version.

100 Days, 100 Renders— Day 61


Along with my lens-dirt experiment, I’ve been fiddling with bokeh in the wake of the fake depth-of-field effects in the new iPhone. It’s kind of fun to see the bright points in my image become constellations of discs when I feed Photoshop an HDR. I think I might like to do some more human-scale work in the future so I can use effects like this more often. (I also finally got the Smart IBL system to work as intended. Pro-tip: Don’t put every SIBL setup you ever downloaded into it’s source folder. It does not like browsing through many dozens of HDR environments. I just started moving in whatever one I wanted to use to the SIBL folder, using the plugin to generate the scene, and then saving that for future uses.)

There should probably be something in the foreground that’s in focus. I originally planned a more elaborate setup that would include foreground elements, but it would’ve required some amount of prepwork, and my new job has limited my time and energy in the evenings. I’m doing some interesting stuff there, and I’m looking forward to being able to share more about it, but the only thing keeping me going on this project for the next thirty-nine days is my sheer stubbornness. Getting ahead on scene-setup did help considerably a couple weeks ago. Hopefully I’ll be able to bank more than a few shots this weekend.

Hm, that out-of-focus puddle would look really good in an animation…

100 Days, 100 Renders— Day 58


So, what is the Klingon word for “bait,” anyway?

It was overshadowed by later developments in the show, but Deep Space Nine had a bit of backstory about a history of conflict between the Cardassians and Klingons, including a “incident” in a certain nebula that lasted for 18 years.

The cloaking effect on the Birds of Prey was done with the smudge tool in Photoshop, which is probably not the best way to achieve that effect.

100 Days, 100 Renders— Day 54


One from the archives today. This is actually a frame from a roughed-out animation I’ve put on the shelf, an opening credits sequence for the “Seekers” novel series. This version is notably unpolished in lighting and scene setup (one thing I wanted to definitely add were TOS-style Travel Pods buzzing around, based on some unused John Eaves designs for Star Trek ’09).