100 Days, 100 Renders— Day 50


An experiment inspired by Star Trek Into Darkness, and a recent conversation where I talked about my fake water reflection trick. I think I should avoid water until I have some tools to do it in a more modern way, rather than just a procedually-textured plane and old-style CG draw-distance fog. Sometimes the old ways aren’t classic, they’re just old.

As an aside, comics artist Lucy Bellwood has started shipping handsomely printed copies of her own hundred-days project, which was the direct inspiration for all of these pictures I’ve made over the past two and a half months, generally of boats that fly. If you like the boats that don’t fly, I’d check her out.

100 Days, 100 Renders— Day 47


Hooray! This is my first image made since I’ve returned to the world of the gainfully employed, and I think you can see that I was a bit tired and desperate when I sat down to lay it out (the decision to plop in an HDRI photo background rather than lighting the scene at all was particularly lazy). I will defend the composition with the fact that my square images are meant to be used as phone and tablet wallpapers, so I give a little more “safe area” on the edges since they’ll be cropped down in those uses.

I’m trying to figure out how I’m going to make it through the second half of this project now that my days are no longer my own. The first idea I’ve thought of is to try and lay out several scenes in advance during the weekend, so I only have to worry about rendering and post-work during the week. We’ll see how that works over the next couple days.

100 Days, 100 Renders— Day 41


I revisited one of the passes I did for my 50th Anniversary picture to better get to know linear lighting. It mixes and builds differently, so I readjusted all of the intensities of the scene lights (and then further played with the contrast in Photoshop to get some of the drama back). I’m going to have to practice a lot more to get things down. Surface settings also react differently. That’s most apparent on the inboard grill of the warp engine, where you can see the blue glow reflecting from its twin on the other side of the ship.

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