90% of the way there on that jumppoint. Well, 90%, plus the recolor-jobs, and I’ll probably tweak the animation timing again. And again. And again…
The most pressing thing to fix, though, is the shape. At times in Babylon 5 and Crusade, the jump point vortex appeared to be tapered, rather than a straight-edged cone. It was definitely the case in “The Lost Tales.” I attempted to replicate that by modifying Yuri’s model, but I think I might’ve blown my order-of-operations (it’s a little bit more complicated to change than you’d think because this version of the vortex is a multi-part model).
Still, I might just be able to run off the picture I planned for Sunday tonight. Though Lightwave got oddly temperamental about loading more stuff in with this newly-modified scene setup. I’m hoping it was just a freak arrangement of factors, though I can’t ignore the age of my computer being a contributing factor. I feel like I’m coaxing an old jalopy at this point. Just needs to hold on for a little longer…